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Главная » 2009 » Ноябрь » 3 » ОТДЫХАЙ! Нью-Йорк 31 марта - 6 апреля
08:35 ОТДЫХАЙ! Нью-Йорк 31 марта - 6 апреля |
Билеты - $20-60.
31 марта, суббота
Концерт "Ten Saturdays with Buxtehude: John Scott". St. Thomas Church. Fifth Ave. и 53rd St. 212.664-9360. Органист John Scott. 4:00PM. Бесплатно.
Концерт оркестра "New York Repertory". Good Shepherd Faith Church. 152 West 66th St. Музыка Дебюсси. Бесплатно.
Концерт ансамбля "Les Arts Florissants". Lincoln Center. Alice Tully Hall. 212.875-5766. Музыка барокко. Справки по телефону.
Танцевальное представление труппы "Flamenco Vivo Carlota Santana". The Joyce Theater. 175 Eighth Ave. 212.242-0800. Новые работы, продолжающие почти забытые традиции. Также 1 апреля.
Концерт фольклорной музыки. Wave Hill. 675 West 252nd St. Riverdale.718.549-3200. Для всей семьи. Для детей пяти лет и старше. Взрослые - $12, дети - $7. Заказ билетов по телефону 718.549-3200x385.
Спектакль "Midsummer Night's Dream: A Comic Jewish Satire". Abingdon Theatre Arts Complex. 312 West 36th St. 1st Fl. 212.868-4444. Также - 1 апреля. Справки и заказ билетов по телефону.
Спектакль "BE", труппы "Mayumana". Union Square Theatre. 100 East 17th St.и Park Ave. South. 212.505-0700. Очень интересная работа. Для всей семьи. Билеты - $20-60. Справки по телефону.
Спектакль "Man Equals Man" Б.Брехт. Tisch School of the Arts, Frederick Loewe Theater 2nd Fl. NYU. 35 West 4th St. 212.998-1860. 1PM. Бесплатно.
Выставка "Ethiopian Art from the Walters Art Museum. Museum of Biblical Art. 1865 Broadway. 212.408-1500. Иконы, рукописи, прикладное искусство. Одна из лучших коллекций в мире.
Выставка "NY's Left Bank: Art and Artists Off Washington Square North, 1900-1950". Snug Harbor Cultural Center. 1000 Richmond Terrace, Staten Island. 718.425-3560. Экспозиция воскрешает атмосферу артистического Нью-Йорка Первой половины XX века. Справки по телефону.
Выставки "Александр Захаров", "Mастера неофициального искусства" и "Cовременные художники". Museum of Contemporary Russian Art. 80 Grand Street, Jersey City. 347.325-4750. Art@Museum-Rus.org.
Проект/инсталляция "Lobby, Fold and Spin".Pace University. One Pace Plaza. 212.346-1715.
Фестиваль искусства Индии. Peter Jay Sharp Theatre, Symphony Space. 2537 Broadway и 95th St. 212.864-5400. Музыка, танцы и кукольные представления. Справки по телефону.
Уличная ярмарка Fourth Ave. от 5th St. до Astor Place. 646.230-0489. 11AM - 6PM.
Фестиваль "Scottish Village".Grand Central Station.42 St. и Park Ave. Жизнь в былые времена. 11AM - 7PM.
Экскурсия "Wall Street и Downtown". Место встречи - лестница у "US Custom House". One Bowling Green. 212.606-4064. 12PM. Бесплатно.
Экскурсия "The Hidden Charms of Chelsea". Место сбора - General Theological Seminary. 9th Ave.и 20th St. 212.242-5762. 1РМ. $15.
Экскурсия "Rock n Roll в Еаст Вилледж". Rock Junket. 212.209-3370. Справки по телефону. 2nd Annual Student Faculty Art Show Grace Space 840 Broadway, 2nd Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11206 | 718-594-0642 The students and faculty of the Coalition for Hispanic Family Services Arts and Literacy Program will amaze you with performances and visual arts during a week long exposition at Grace Space. The week will begin with presentations from each of our three Bushwick schools. Friday night is a benefit party with performances from our talented student.
Shop Gotham www.shopgotham.com | 917-599-6650 Garment District "insider tour," chic SoHo and Nolita, Luxe Fifth Avenue and more. Let Shop Gotham navigate you through the world's most exciting shopping mecca. Exclusive store discounts, wholesale access, sample sales, history and fashion. Small groups. 10% discount year-round. Discount Code: NYCv
1 апреля, воскресенье
Фестиваль "Цветущая слива". Staten Island Botanical Garden. 1000 Richmond Terrrace, Staten Island. 718.273-8200. Китайский сад. Входная плата в музей.
Акция "Verdict on Auschwitz: The Frankfurt Auschwitz Trial, 1963-1965". Leonard Nimoy Thalia Theatre, Symphony Space. 2537 Broadway и 95th St. 212.864-5400. 360 свидетелей из 19 стран. Также - 3 апреля.
Концерт классики. Grace Church. 802 Broadway и 10th St.212.254-2000. Гендель. 4PM.
Концерт камерной музыки. Mannes College. The New School for Music. 150 Wtst 85th St., 2nd fl. 212.496-8524. 4:30PM. Бесплатно.
Концерт. Бах. Кантата 131 и другие произведения. Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. Central Park West и 65th St. 5PM. Бесплатно.
Рок концерт для детей. Princess Katie & Racer Steve. The Living Room. 154 Ludlow St. между Stanton и Rivington St. 212.627-0157. Места ограничены. Заказ по телефону и по электронной почте aprilfoolspkrs@princessra>cer.com. Бесплатно.
Поэтические чтения - вечер современной русской поэзии. Poetry Bowery Club. 308 Bowery, между Houston и Bleecker. 212.614-0505. Анастасия Чеховская, Елена Фанайлова. Яна Токарева, Татьяна Зима. 7PM. Справки по телефону.
Экскурсия "Jewish New York Revisited: A Pre-Passover Tour". Место встречи - остановка сабвея "Fort Hamilton и Newe Utrecht Avenues". Бруклин. линия "D". 212.209-3370. 10:15АМ. $38.
Игра в музее "Don't Be Fooled: A Mid-19th Century Mix Up History Exhibit". Merchant's House Museum. 29 East 4th St. 212.777-1089. Для детей и взрослых. Найдите предметы, которые не существовали в 1800 году. Справки по телефону.
Уличная ярмарка. 23rd St. от Seventh Ave. до Eighth Ave.646.230-0489. 11AM - 6PM.
3 апреля, вторник Гастроли балетной труппы Мемфиса. The Joyce Theater. 175 Eighth Ave. 212.242-0800. Дебют в Нью-Йорке. До 8-го апреля. Справки по телефону.
Городские пробежки. Chelsea Piers 62.212.336-6100. "The Adidas Urban Run" приглашает всех побегать вместе в парке Hudson River. 7РМ. По воскресеньям - 10AM.
Cnema/ French Institute Alliance Francaise 55 East 59th Street (Between Park & Madison Avenues) | 212-355-6160 Plays at 4 & 9 PM. Jacques Tati, 1971. Color. 96 min. With Jacques Tati, Maria Kimberly. Monsieur Hulot must drive the revolutionary luxury camping car he designed for his company from Paris to a famous auto show in Amsterdam. Part of a tribute to Jacques Tati. In French, with English subtitles. Public $9, Students $7, Members Free
Verdict on Auschwitz: The Frankfurt Auschwitz Trial, 1963-1965 Leonard Nimoy Thalia Theatre, Symphony Space 2537 Broadway at 95th Street | 212-864-5400 One of the most important trials of the 20th century. 360 witnesses from 19 countries, including 211 Auschwitz survivors confront former members of Hitler's SS--many of whom made comfortable lives for themselves in postwar West Germany--and accuse them of taking part in the mass murder of millions Adidas Urban Run at Chelsea Piers
Opening Reception Tuesday, Apr 3 4:00PM to 6:00PM “From Andalucia to Auvillar” Noho Gallery 530 W. 25th St., 1-212-367-7063. Recent paintings by Lynne Friedman, luminous works of lemon and orange groves, villages and valleys in France and Spain. Friedman takes us on a tour of intimate settings and panorammic spaces.
4 апреля, среда. Акция "The Island Tapes - A New Way to a New World". New York Historical Society. 170 Central Park West и 77th Street.212.868-4444. Мультимедийное представление в рамках Шотландской "Tartan Week". Справки по телефону и на сайте www.smarttix.com. An unforgettable multi-media experience marrying vintage films of Scottish island life with atmospheric live music, Gaelic songs and Scottish poetry. US premiere--one of a series of four unique events, "Journeys from Scotland to America," brought all the way from Scotland as part of Tartan Week 07. For tickets, visit www.smarttix.com.
Opening Reception 5:00PM to 7:00PM “The Art of Interior Design” Westside Gallery 133/141 W. 21st St., 1-212-592-2010 Exhibition of works by select BFA Interior Design Department students, presenting one element of each student’s projects—such as a rendering, computer drawing, model or concept sketch—that shows the working process, while also serving as a visual object in its own right. Curated by faculty members Keith Lang, Jane Smith, and Richard Spokowski.
Concert 6:00PM to 8:00PM Benefit for New Orleans Musician's Relief Fund Cornelia Street CafО 29 Cornelia St., betw. Bleecker & W. 4th St., 1-845-986-1677 Featuring music and poems. Hosts: Jeanne Marie Beaumont and Estha Weiner. With participants Cornelius Eady, Sascha Feinstein, Lowry Hamner, Jacqueline Johnson, Yusef Komunyakaa, Suzanne Noguere, Evie Shockley, Bill Zavatsky.
5 апреля, четверг Спектакль "East Coast Artists in "Waxing West". La MaMa E.T.C. 74A East 4th St. 212.475-7710. Трагикомическое путешествие по современной Европе. A play by a prominent new-wave Romanian playwright that explores the tragic-comic journeys of her compatriots caught up in the cultural and economic dislocations of post-Iron Curtain Eastern Europe До 22 апреля. Справки по телефону.
Вернисаж выставки "Ten Years Running: Design and Technology's 10 Year Annivesary". Chelsea Art Museum. Eleventh Ave. и 22nd St. Новые технологии и искусство. Справки по телефону. Celebrating ten years of cutting-edge computer-driven art and design magic, exhibition features work of 20 Design and Technology alumni and faculty. Exhibit includes curated selection of experimental film, new media installations, interactive programming, game, information, and product design. 6РМ.
Concert 8:00PM Mannes Orchestra Alice Tully Hall, 65th St. & Broadway, 1-212-496-8524
Festival Friday, Apr 6 11:00AM to 7:00PM “Scottish Village” Grand Central Station , 42 St. at Park Ave. Walk into "Scottish Village" and experience numerous aspects of Scotland's vibrant contemporary culture and bold heritage.
6 апреля, пятница
Концерт "Blues in the Slope". Biscuit BBQ. 230 Fifth Ave. Park Slope. 718.399-2161. Первая пятница каждого месяца. $10 - вход. $6 - minimum. Soul of the Blues presents Blues in the Slope, the first Friday of every month at Biscuit BBQ in Park Slope. 8:30pm. Full menu available.
Концерт хоровой музыки. The Crucifixion Grace Church. 802 Broadway и 10th St. 212.254-2000. Бесплатно. Спраки по телефону.
Концерт французского трио "Samarabalouf". Winter Garden, World Financial Center. 220 Vesey St. 212.945-0505. Собственные сочинения в стиле Джанго Рейнхардта. 7PM. Бесплатно. Hailing from France, raucous trio plays original music in the spirit of Gypsy jazz star Django Reinhardt. Wildly popular in Europe and North America, the band has developed a repertoire of works stretching from the boogie-blues to flamenco rock, integrating such popular themes as the waltz, tango, and rumba, with occasional flashes of Middle Eastern harmony.
Танцевальный вечер.Израильская труппа "Moopim". Hungarian Cultural Center. 447 Broadway, 5th Fl. 212-750.4450. Справки и заказ билетов по телефону. Israeli-born LeeSaar: The Company presents a 50-minute piece whose "choreographic vocabulary [is] drawn from taut movement" that "sudden[ly] shifts from dark to light, in silence and to passages of quiet music" (The New York Times). 8PM.
Concert Friday, Apr 6 7:00PM Stainer, The Crucifixion Grace Church 802 Broadway, at 10th St., 1-212-254-2000 Grace Church Choir.
Jazz Friday, Apr 6 7:30PM to 8:30PM “Starry Nights”: Regina Carter—Quintet Rose Center for Earth and Space, American Museum of Natural History , Central Part West at 81 St. Born in Detroit, Michigan, Regina Carter began her career by taking classes with violin giants Itzak Perlman and Yehudi Menuhin, becoming a member of the Detroit Civic Symphony Orchestra, and playing with the pop funk group Brainstorm. Carter has had the opportunity to perform with such greats as Ray Brown, Dr. Billy Taylor, Marian McPartland, Kenny Barron, Wynton Marsalis, Randy Weston, and Cassandra Wilson. Over the past seven years Regina Carter and her quintet have performed worldwide.
Экскурсия "Immigrant City: Irish, German, Italian, Jewish and Chinese New York". 877.572-9719. Место встречи и время- по телефону. The tour walks through many neighborhoods, including the old Five Points, Chinatown, Little Italy, and the Lower East Side. Stops include the Church of the Transfiguration, Mulberry Street, the old Police Headquarters, typical tenement housing, Chinese market streets and venerable Jewish institutions.
Дорогие френды! Убедительная просьба - если вы собрались на концерт, выставку, экскурсию - обязательно позвоните по указанному телефону. Нью-Йорк - город непредсказуемый - все очень быстро меняется. Наташа ШАРЫМОВА natasha Sharymova "В Новом Свете"
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